Monday, February 16, 2009

Steamed Banana Tapicoa Pudding

A popular Vietnamese sweet. Often served with coconut sauce.


1 pack of Tapioca flour (cock/rooster brand) + one more in case the pudding is too tender
6 to 8 medium ripe bananas, thinly sliced
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
Yellow food colour
0.25 cup water
3 tbsp rice flour

Prepare steamer with boiled water.

1. Make sugar syrup:
In a pot, add 2 cups of white sugar and 2 cups of water.
Do not stir.
Boil this over medium heat until sugar is dissolved.
Remove from heat and add 3 to 5 drops of yellow food colour. Mix

2. In a large bowl empty one pack of tapioca flour.
3. Mix in the sugar syrup 1/4 at a time (do not pour all at once, otherwise you will get a clumpy batter)
4. In a separate bowl, combine rice flour with 0.5 cup water.
5. Pour rice flour mixture into the tapioca batter.
6. Add in bananas and stir until almost all slices are soaked in batter.

7. Test steam 2 to 3 tbsp spoons of batter in a tiny bowl for 5 mins. Cool for 3 mins. The consistency should be like medium firm jello with some stretchiness. If it comes out like honey, it needs more tapioca flour (add 1/8 pack at a time). If it comes out like hard jello, it needs more water (add 0.5 cup at a time).

8. In a large pan (or several smaller ones, up to you), add 2 ladels of batter and steam for 5 minutes. Repeat until all batter is used up. On the final scoops, steam for 8 minutes or until the pudding become a little bubbling.

9. Cool the pudding to room temperature.

10. Cut and serve with coconut sauce - optional (coconut milk with sugar, pinch of salt, and cornstarch to thicken).

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