Friday, August 22, 2008

Almond Cookies

A week before I made macarons, I baked some Almond Cookies. They turned out quite lovely and has a nice melt-in-your-mouth texture. I used coarsely ground fresh almonds instead of almond added a little nut crunch to it.

About the ground almonds, they were made from skinned almonds (which I blanched, peeled, and re-toasted). I advise to just BUY almonds without skin. It was simply too much work!! I used these because my mom got them on sale at Food Basic and it was sitting in my fridge for a long long time...I didn't want to waste it.

Here is a picture of my cookies:


120g Butter at room temperature
50g Castor Sugar
1 Large Egg
120g All Purpose Flour
1/2 tsp Almond Extract
50g Corn Flour
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
60g Ground Almonds
12 to 15 Whole Almonds

Yield 12 to 15 cookies

1. Cream butter, sugar, almond extract together.
2. Add egg into the mixture and combine evenly.
3. Add corn flour, flour, and baking soda...mix
4. Add ground almonds...mix
5. Preheat oven to 175C.
6. Roll dough into 2 inch balls, flatten with fingers to your desire shape, decorate with a whole almond in the center.
7. Bake for 18 minutes.

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